a few years back i hung out with my homeboy and a bunch of his buddies. there with us was also a girl that my homeboy had been chatting with online and this was their first personal meeting. no homo and all, but the chick was BANGIN'. light skin, long soft pretty hair, big ass, small waist, gorgeous face. she kept playfully backing it up to my homeboy that night. his homies were drooling over the chick and amazed at how lucky he was to find a chick this good looking and flirtatious, online. she was the kind of woman that men wanted and women wanted to be.
my friend and i lost touch and we'd caught up later and we were discussing some lost friends when i asked him about the gorgeous creature he'd met online. he told me that she and he remained friends and they never got together.
he also told me she had HIV.
i sure as hell didn't see that coming. the girl didn't look like she'd been sick a day in her life. i literally watched men craning their necks to look at her. she got it from a boyfriend at school. she had a sickness that could kill her if she got a bad cold. she was cursed with "the package." i can't really get into what made me think about this story. perhaps when i get drunk and/or mad enough, i'll blog about it, but for now i can't.
but becareful people.
AIDS is real.
AIDS......Wow. See thats why I encourage testing. I give that woman props though. It takes one hell of a woman to openly tell someone that.
I remember I lived in Dallas and there was a letter written to Ebony about this beautiful woman who was prowling bars to infect dudes as revenge for her down low man giving it to her. It was a hoax but I remember so many people talking about it, Beware CJ!
Damn that must really hit her hard sometimes. To know your only fault was trusting an asshole. You're right aids is real. You don't have to look sick to have it.
I actually know of two people with a std confirmed.Herpes to be exact.One is a guy and he is very attractive.I was there when he found out he had it and was standing on the corner yelling threatening to kill the girl who gave it to him.Ive been tested 3 times the first was before i even ever had sex and i still dont often but i get tested everytime i go to the doctor out of paranoia.And ps.....
Dont get mad or drunk and say something about a certain sudject that you might regret.It must be pretty heavy because you already seem very openLol..Im messy ass hell so id definitly read every last word of it but yet and still....
This is a very powerful story.
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