Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Stuff

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I haven't been on here in a while, I am aware. Like everyone else on the planet, this damned virus swept on in and changed the game. The good news is that I am still employed. I'm healthy, although truth be told, I had a wicked bug that kicked my ass early in the year. I spent New Year's Eve and New Year's day at home, in bed, eating ice cream because my throat was on fire! Pretty sure that was this shit that's killing everyone now. I don't get down and out sick very often, but with that bug, I can see how someone with a weakened immune system would suffer. Thank God I got my diabetes under control, plus I've been sticking to being physically active this year. The bad news is that since my clients are no longer able to report to the site, after today I will have to report to work at a different site. In the meantime, stuff has kind of stayed the same. No Fred, no Ted, a few potential suitors, but no one I'd do things long term with. My son is healthy. My lights are on, my rent is paid. I'm trying my damnedest to pay off my car by this time next year. Thus far, my birthday plans of being on a beach in Jamaica have been foiled (then again, anything could happen between now and 3 months from now, but I'm definitely going into hunker down mode, so I'm mentally preparing for the worst and the best). I'm currently at work studying videos about schizophrenia (a very fascinating disease), while working on my budget for the rest of the year. I'm good. I'm blessed. I'm as ready as I can be.

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