Within the last few months I've come out of my shell a bit more. Since I'm now blessed enough to have a job, I've rejoined my friends. I go to clubs. I buy new clothes. I hit the gym regularly. I've got good friends. I've re-emerged.
Now that my son is nearly 3 and he's not as dependent on me and his father is more able to help out with our son, I'm finally free to rejoin the world. You can't imagine how much I'd missed this. How for the last few years all of my time was spent as Malika the Mom. Now I'm free to be Malika the Sexpot and Malika the Party Girl. It feels awesome. Daisy has been kind enough to aid me into my journey back into the world. She and I have been so close lately. I'm actually pretty happy about that, and she's even helped me a lot in many of my professional decisions.
As part of my re-emergence, I've decided that my friends and I should go tubing. As always, my more conventional friends declined, but my earthy and artsy friends are down for the ride. Truth be told, I wouldn't have it any other way. So in a few days Daisy, Roderick, Greg, Solomon and myself will be headed to Helen, Georgia to shoot down the Hooch (that's Chattahoochee River for my out of town readers).
I've even been hitting the gym. Lord it's hard to lose weight now. That's okay though, I'm going to keep trying anyway. When I go, I prefer to play racquetball, then I hit an elliptical, do some abdominal training, and then I finish it off with a jog. I'm actually able to run half a mile now, which is quite a feat for me. My goal is to be able to run for a full mile. I'm not even winded when I'm done now.
For a bit of a confession, I've decided that for now at least, I'll probably continue things with the guy that I'll call "Fred." He's like sexual kryptonite to me. I swear he's like a real life Axe commercial. Funny enough, my home girls agree that he's a hottie, but I'm the only one drawn to him like flies to honey. He and I will have a totally normal and non-sexual conversation, and by the end I'm ready to put my panties in his mouth. Our relationship back in the day was purely sexual, so lately we're getting to know each other more as individuals, which is making me want to hump him that much more.
Not to say that there is no love between me and Pookie. Pookie is and always will be the love of my life. But there is something about being able to be Malika again. I missed her. I think she missed me too.
So anyway, look out world, Malika is BACK and she's back with a vengeance.
Welcome back
welcome back and lmao @panties in his mouth
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