Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm In Like!!!

As a woman who is learning a lot from her past mistakes, I've decided to keep some details on this one close to my chest, but I will say that I am in absolute like. He's beautiful, charming, loyal, funny, tall, handsome. My heart flutters when I'm near him. We laugh together frequently. I think about him constantly. Today, while in my car, the song "Love Under New Management" by Miki Howard came on and I sang it for dear life. Strangely enough, he and I couldn't be more different, and sometimes that worries him. But I don't care. He knows my sad and twisted story and he listens anyway. He doesn't judge me for my short comings. He knows I'm working on things and he wants to help me through them. I adore him in so many ways. I've never met a man that I routinely talk to for 3 and 4 hours at a time. I don't know what I did to deserve him, but he's a much needed blessing after the long rainy year that I've had.

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