I'm a regular on a gossip blog called rhymeswithsnitch.com. On one the the posts, one of the fellow bloggers suggested that we all name someone that we want to just take themself out. Below is what i posted.
i'd like to see cam'ron take himself out (seriously). i want bernie madoff to suffer so i'd like him to spend the rest of his life in jail but i doubt that will happen. but i'd like his wife to kill herself for actually trying to keep those folks money. sarah palin. george bush (both of them). dick cheney. hold on, this list could get long...
...and then there's that teacher that lied on me in high school which landed me the one and only time i ever got in school suspension...
...any cop that ever wrote me a ticket or two for bullshit and then told me that i should be thankful for him not writing me more tickets...
...and that cop that stopped me for no headlight when i was 7 months pregnant and wouldn't let me go to a gas station so i could pee. he had me waiting for a long time to write a damned ticket. i REALLy want that bastard to kill himself...
...that cheap fat alcoholic pill-popping skanky whore that my exboyfriend knocked up...
...that ugly bitch i used to call my best friend that was lying on me and telling every one that i was a slut and that i was a slacker, despite me being in school full time and working two or three jobs at a time. jealous illiterate bitch...
...that broke bastard that was sleeping on my damned couch but had the NERVE to complain that i didn't keep my house as clean as he wanted to see it, although he didn't clean anything himself...
...that old wrinkled non-penis-getting walking disease of a crack whore that i worked for that fired me illegally while i was on maternity leave and then had the nerve to lie on me so i couldn't get unemployment while i had a newborn to take care of...
...any grown woman walking around in velour jumpsuits with words written on their butts. cheap flea market looking mess...
...any woman with decent money that walks around in cheap looking wigs. and this includes YOU whitney houston...
...folks that are famous for having friends and relatives more famous, rich, talented, and relavent than themselves. note to ray j: SLIT. YOUR. WRIST!...
...grown people that want to blame the world and "the man" for the reason they can't go to college and work hard like the rest of us so they rob, rape and pillage our own communities. die, Die, DIE!!!...
...that dude that broke into my house (we knew who it was) had the gall to show up on my doorstep and say "i heard you think i broke into your house" and then had his ignorant ass walking down the street in MY damned clothes...
...that selfish chick, octomom. kids aren't puppies, they're living breathing human beings and you shouldn't bring them into the world knowing your ass is living off your damned parents and welfare. i also want dr. phil to kill himself for getting this crazy cunt a new house and getting it furnished for her. crazy ass had the nerve to not help her mom pay bills but paid for plastic surgery to look like angelina jolie while the house looks a damned mess. give me a minute alone with her to undo that plastic surgery...
...that bucktooth, four-eyed, horse-faced pimply bitch with the bad perm that was pissed because she was nothing more than a booty call for my son's father back in the day. yeah bitch, he's STILL paying my bills. lonely broke heffa...
...all of those negative people that told me that i couldn't, shouldn't and wouldn't get a college degree. jealous crab in a barrel mofos...
...all of those people that took four college classes 6 years ago and act like that makes them a freaking genuis. i get so sick of folks saying "when i took that biology class 8 years ago, i was the smartest person in there." like that matters now. that's about as pathetic as old men that focus on their glory days of running track in high school. why don't you just brag about some other irrelevant things like your s.a.t. scores?...
...men that drop off diapers once or twice a year and show up at a few birthday parties, and suddenly want to act like they're father of the year...
...men that will lay with a woman either for a time or for a night, and then since they don't want the responsibility of a child they will shout "that ain't my baby!" and the trife new girlfriends that let them believe that shit and walk away from their kid(s). both them niggas need to hang themselves- old dude and his insecure new chick...
......any woman that will put some shiftless broke dude OR some rich cat that's paying bills, over raising her own kids. no penis is worth losing a relationship with your kids. new penis will get up and leave you before your own children will...
...anyone that thinks cam'ron is intelligent, interesting, funny or talented...
...co-workers that tried to lie on me and blame me when their stuff started to stink. i may not brown nose the way they did, but i kept my job just the same...
...ok, ALL effed up coworkers that try to blame other folks for their failures in the workplace...
...all of those goddamn shrinks, doctors, and nazis that changed up the rules so that anybody that tries to discipline their kids in public catches a damned case. you can't even spank your kids for acting up, but you're expected to teach them to be angels. whatever, i'll STILL lay hands to my son when i need to...
...folks that think the world is their child's playground so they let their kids show out in public and expect other folks to put up with it. for those that don't know- movie theaters, shopping malls, and nice restaurants aren't the same as the goddamned chuckie cheese...
...people that get off on breaking other folks' hearts just because they're insecure and need validation of how "great" they are...
...folks that think that just because they're rich and/or famous they can treat other folks that aren't rich and/or famous like dirt. saying "do you know who i am?!" only proves what a doucebag you really are. everyone deserves respect, no matter how special you like to think you are...
...folks that gladly allowed bush 8 long years to eff the country up, but in less than 100 days, they've been up obama's butt saying what a screw up he is...
...every exboyfriend i've had that treated me like dirt while we were together but then had the nerve to call me later telling me that i was the perfect woman and they'll never find another woman like me. i tried to tell your trifling asses that while we were dating...
...crooked ass cops that think they have a right to harass, injure, and kill folks because they're on a fucked up power trip...
...and that concludes my list of people i want to kill themselves.
*did i leave out anyone?*