i'm gonna sound really anti-women here, but this thing with chris brown has me really feeling bad for the guy. he and rihanna got into it a couple of days ago, she got a little bruising (and for the record, so did he) and the police got called. so now chris brown looks like senor douchebag, while rihanna looks like the poor little victim. for the record, i don't think they got into a fight, nor do i think he punched her or anything. i think that words were exchanged and she knew exactly what to say or do to make him lose his cool. i'm not going to speculate on who hit who first, because either way its not cool. but here's how i think it happened:
1) they were in the car when they started arguing
2) some how or another, they started shoving and yelling (not punching though)
3) he realizes that people are around and it looks bad for him so he leaves the scene
4) people in the vicinity see her looking red and bruised (she is light as hell) so they call the police
5) she talks to the police because she's mad as hell and she's like "hell yeah he did it! go get him! i'll testify!"
6) the next day she realized that they were BOTH at fault and that pressing charges would be more trouble than it was worth
now if you look at the situation like that (and according to reports, that's exactly how it happened) chris isn't a bad guy, they are just two people that lost their cool. but i really hate that in these kinds of situations, the men are depicted as abusive dicks, when many times that isn't the case. i guess i can speak from experience because i've not only witnessed it, i've done it. my older sister is a sick motherfucker that gets her shits and giggles by making people lose their cool. that's part of the reason she and i don't speak and i've made the decision to cut her out of my life. i've seen her pick and pull and call people everything she could think of. she thinks its cute. all of the dudes that eventually left her crazy ass alone agree that she's a one way ticket to jail. at least she's woman enough to admit that she starts the fights, but in the eyes of the public she'd still look like the victim. she once hit her ex in the face and separated his jaw. now if he lost his mind and slapped her ass, is he really in the wrong? me thinks not.
now for my own confession. deen and i have had physical altercations. i try to be pretty cool and walk away, but deen has a way of saying the ONE THING that can make me cut loose and wail on his ass. we've both walked away bloody at times. most of the times, i've hit him first. its not something i'm proud of. nor is he. many of my homegirls say "leave him!" but i know that he doesn't come home and hit me or anything like that. many disagreements are held amicably, while others escalate.
i agree that any man that beats his woman because he thinks he has the right to do so should have his balls removed. but in those cases, not all women are victims and not ALL men are villains.
1) they were in the car when they started arguing
2) some how or another, they started shoving and yelling (not punching though)
3) he realizes that people are around and it looks bad for him so he leaves the scene
4) people in the vicinity see her looking red and bruised (she is light as hell) so they call the police
5) she talks to the police because she's mad as hell and she's like "hell yeah he did it! go get him! i'll testify!"
6) the next day she realized that they were BOTH at fault and that pressing charges would be more trouble than it was worth
now if you look at the situation like that (and according to reports, that's exactly how it happened) chris isn't a bad guy, they are just two people that lost their cool. but i really hate that in these kinds of situations, the men are depicted as abusive dicks, when many times that isn't the case. i guess i can speak from experience because i've not only witnessed it, i've done it. my older sister is a sick motherfucker that gets her shits and giggles by making people lose their cool. that's part of the reason she and i don't speak and i've made the decision to cut her out of my life. i've seen her pick and pull and call people everything she could think of. she thinks its cute. all of the dudes that eventually left her crazy ass alone agree that she's a one way ticket to jail. at least she's woman enough to admit that she starts the fights, but in the eyes of the public she'd still look like the victim. she once hit her ex in the face and separated his jaw. now if he lost his mind and slapped her ass, is he really in the wrong? me thinks not.
now for my own confession. deen and i have had physical altercations. i try to be pretty cool and walk away, but deen has a way of saying the ONE THING that can make me cut loose and wail on his ass. we've both walked away bloody at times. most of the times, i've hit him first. its not something i'm proud of. nor is he. many of my homegirls say "leave him!" but i know that he doesn't come home and hit me or anything like that. many disagreements are held amicably, while others escalate.
i agree that any man that beats his woman because he thinks he has the right to do so should have his balls removed. but in those cases, not all women are victims and not ALL men are villains.